A. Teams are not guaranteed entry to the league with payment or registration submission.
B. Saskatoon Adult Soccer (SAS) has the right to refuse a team entry due to unsportsmanlike or unsporting conduct. (See 46.0 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY for more information on team registrations.)
C. All new teams to the SAS League will be placed on probation. New teams include all teams who have not completed 1 full season (1 indoor or 1 outdoor).
Probation: Is hereby defined as a 1 YEAR period of time where the team/player is monitored by the SAS. If during that year period there are any problems concerning, but not limited to discipline, financial issues, default matches, forfeiture of matches, or matters of bringing the game into disrepute that individual or team could face sanctions from the league.
Note: SAS has the right to determine any team as new and require the New Team Bond.
See section 46.0 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBLITY for additional information on withdrawal fines and late fees.
D. While on probation, a team’s penalty may be applied initially as third offense bypassing the first and second offense penalties. It will be determined case-by-case basis, but only applied to team penalties and not player penalties or suspensions.
E. SAS may refuse team names/team apparel containing offensive, abusive, or obscene language or images.
F. Each Team Name needs to be unique and cannot be duplicated within the same league.
G. SAS office reserves the right to request a name change from any registered team.
H. A team is considered active if it has registered with SAS for league play in any season during the past two years and is in good financial standing.
The following are considered different leagues:
Outdoor Season: Men's/Women's, Coed, Coed Masters, Masters Men's/Women's and Legends (Over 50) Men's/Women's.
Indoor Season: Competitive Men/Women's Boarded, Turf, and Masters, Recreational Men's/Women's Boarded, Men's/Women's Turf, Men's/Women's Masters, Men's/Women's Legends, Coed Boarded and Coed Masters.