A. Players may release themselves from a team or transfer from one team to another team within the same league if the transfer deadlines and expectations are also followed.
They may contact the office themselves and request to be transferred or released. The team contact from the original team must be cc’d on the email request. However, approval from the team contact is not required.
Team contacts may also release a player from their team. They must also contact the office and cc the player to be released. Approval from the player is also not required.
In the event the released player wishes to join a new team, the transfer or release request email must be received and approved by SAS before the player can partake in their first game with their new team. The player must then register themselves via the additional team registration form. They are only eligible to do so once the office has confirmed their release. If they play or register prior to the approval they will be considered ineligible, and suspensions will apply.
The original team contact does continue to have the right to blacklist the player for any outstanding fees if the player released them self. See 46.0 FINANCIAL RESPONSIBILITY section for details.
B. A player is NOT allowed to transfer back to the same team or division in which he/she originally transferred from or was released from.
Exceptions may be made for teams attending provincials.
C. A player is limited to 2 transfers per season.
D. The Transfer Up/Across deadline is the last business day of July for the outdoor season, and the last business day of February for the indoor season.
E. Players may not transfer down to a lower division after the Transfer DOWN Deadline. The indoor season transfer deadline is the last business day in January for indoor, and for the outdoor season the transfer down deadline is last business day of June.
F. Suspended players are ineligible to be transferred while suspended.
G. Suspended players may not be released from a roster while suspended.