The intention of the Free Agent Permit Pass is to give new players the opportunity to play without having a team. It also gives team more options of permit players when they are short themselves.
A. The fee is $75 and would include the Individual Player Registration fee, along with an administrative fee. The Free Agent Permit Pass is NON-REFUNDABLE.
B. Free Agents have twenty-five (25) permits with up to five (5) games with any one team. If any suspensions are incurred, the total number of games given as a suspension will be deducted from the remaining games left to play and the Free Agent cannot participate in any games for seven (7) days. If there aren’t enough games left as a Free Agent, they will be applied to the games when the player registers to a team.
i) 2 Yellow Cards, Foul & Abusive Language (not at Official) - seven (7) days
ii) Foul & Abusive Language (at Official), Serious Foul Play - fourteen (14) days
iii) Violent Conduct - twenty-eight (28) days
C. Free Agents have unlimited permits with up to five (5) games with any one team.
D. Once players purchase a pass, they will be included in the permit e-mail list and, like all permit requests, players are responsible to reach out to that specific team contact when they are interested and available to play.
E. Players can permit with any team that needs permit players, and in any league provided they meet the age eligibility for specific leagues: Masters & Legends.
F. ONLY for players that haven't played in the last 2 seasons. Some exceptions may be made on a case-by-case basis. Free Agent players that did not register to a team may return as Free Agents.
G. Permit pass can only be purchased once a year and can only be used for regular season games.
H. Permits from Free Agent pass are non-transferable. If a Free Agent player finds a team before using all 5 permits with different team, the remaining permits are the same. Said player is expected to follow permit rules.
I. Free Agents can be added to game sheets in pen while marking FAP beside their name.
J. Free-agents, as registered members, will abide by Schedule A and SAS’ Discipline Policy:
i) Yellow Cards (YC):
Yellow Card accumulations are attached to the player, regardless of the number of different leagues partaken in.
If a free agent receives 3 yellow cards by their 3rd or 4th game, they will lose their 5th
If the 3rd YC is received during the 5th permit game, the player will need to sit out their first official game on their new team or start with 4 permits in the next Free Agent play.
ii) Red Cards:
Violent conduct offenses will not be tolerated and will result in the loss of all 5 permits. Suspension will then need to be served once registered on an official team.
All other red card offenses will be examined by SAS and could result in either a reduction or loss of permits.