A. Game sheets are the responsibility of the teams. For every game, the teams will be responsible to bring the game sheet to the game. Game sheets can be found online under each team’s schedule.
For indoor, the game sheets are printed by the office. The Home Team is responsible to pick up the game sheet from admissions.
For outdoor, both teams must bring a game sheet to grass field games. Game at the centre will be printed by the office and available at admissions. Home Team can pick it up.
B. First names, last names, and accurate jersey numbers are required and must be legible. No initials allowed.
C. The names of players that do not participate in a game must have their names crossed out.
D. Permit players will also need to be manually written with the permit abbreviation. (i.e., PP, GP, YP.) (See 10.0 PERMIT PLAYERS for more information)
E. The team contacts from each team must verify and sign the game sheet at the conclusion of the game.
Note: This is meant as verification of the game sheet and not dispute of the game. Cards may be applied, if necessary.