All the below regulations are in compliance with FIFA, CSA, SSA and SAS regulations.
A. Teams must wear matching uniforms of the same color (with the exception of the goalkeeper) with a number on the back (alternate jerseys are not expected to be numbered, but it is recommended).
Note: Referees are empowered to abandon a game if teams fail to comply with uniform regulations. (See 5.0 TEAM MIDCONDUCT in Discipline Policy)
B. The home team must change shirts if both teams are wearing the same colors (goalkeepers will be required to have an alternate jersey in the case of color conflict). The game sheets and online schedule will identify which team is Home.
C. SAS has supplied the league with bibs. They will be located in the admission booth at the Henk Ruys Soccer Centre and the Saskatoon Sports Centre. A set of keys will be required as exchange for the bibs. All of the bibs must be returned to receive back the keys.
Note: these are to be used in the case of an occasional alternate jersey as opposed to every game use.
D. Shin guards are MANDATORY! The referee will not allow you on the field without your shin guards. Shin guards must be completely covered by your socks.
E. Sleeveless uniforms are NOT allowed.
F. SAS may refuse team names/team apparel containing offensive, abusive, or obscene language or images.