(a) SAS: Saskatoon Adult Soccer Inc.
(b) SSA: Saskatchewan Soccer Association.
(c) SYS: Saskatoon Youth Soccer Inc.
(d) SDSRAI: Saskatoon and District Soccer Referees Association Inc.
(e) Participant: A Player, Coach, Manager, Team representative, Spectator, Volunteer, or individual member of SAS.
(f) Discipline Administrator: SAS representative(s) reviewing the specific incident.
(g) Subject: Participant(s) who requested a hearing or who were called in to a hearing by SAS.
(h) Affected Party: Participant(s) that experienced some level of impact, or consequence due to a particular action by the Subject.
(i) Referee Report: Misconduct Report, Match Report, or another form of documentation issued by the referee to the SAS office to indicate participant misconduct of some nature.
(j) Discipline Hearing Committee (DHC): Members of the SAS Board of Directors, or other members of the soccer community who have volunteered to help decide outcomes of Discipline Hearings.
(k) Season(s): Pertaining to either or both the Indoor league (October - April) or Outdoor league (May - September).
(l) Foul/Abusive Language/Gesture: A word or gesture undermining a decision including but not limited to a disrespectful tone or gesture (motion of assigning a card, diving motion, applause), swearing at or about a person, event or under one’s breath.
(m) Delayed game; a time-span of 60 seconds. More than 60 seconds is considered a delay.
(n) Repeat Offenders: players that were previously suspended in the last 5 calendar years for the same offense unless otherwise specified.