(a) The person(s) who requested the hearing, or who was called in to a hearing will be referred to as the Subject.
(b) The person(s) that experienced some level of impact, or consequence due to a particular action by the Subject, will be referred to as the Affected Party.
(c) The Affected Party will be given the opportunity to speak and/or provide a statement.
(d) When necessary, the Subject and/or Affected Party may identify a member of their team that will be representing them on their behalf, as long as the notification to the office prior to the hearing.
(e) The Subject and/or Affected Party or their representative will be directed into the hearing room by a member of the Discipline Hearing Committee (DHC).
(f) If the Subject and/or Affected Party or their representative confirmed that they would attend but then is absent, the DHC will make a ruling in their absence based on the available materials.
(g) The DHC Chairperson will briefly identify the reports relevant to the hearing.
(h) The Subject will be given the opportunity to speak on their behalf and will be required to answer all questions asked by the DHC.
(i) The DHC Chairperson and any DHC member may question the Subject or witnesses.
(j) The Subject will have the opportunity to call no more than two witnesses to the incident. The Subject will be dismissed, and the witnesses will be brought in to the hearing one at a time and questioned by the DHC.
The two witnesses may (not) be different than the witness(es) who provided a Witness Statement. If the witnesses are in addition to those that provided written witness statements, they must notify the Discipline Administrator of their attendance at least five (5) business days prior to the hearing. The Witness may not change at the hearing (unless approved by the DHC).
(k) After the last witness has been dismissed, the DHC may call the Subject and/or Affected Party in again for further questioning. If no further questioning is required, the Subject and the Affected Party will be permitted to leave.
(l) Immediately following the hearing, the DHC will review all relevant materials/testimonies and decide on the case.
(m) For purposes relating to continuous learning and improvement an independent third-party observer may also be present at the hearing. This person will be tied to the same confidentiality requirements as the DHC members.