You must be registered with an SAS league team or as a Free Agent to permit.
The highest level a player is registered takes priority over lower division registration for permitting across.
You can permit UP in the league you are registered.
You can permit across and up to other leagues but NOT within unless a "bottom div" (see below) but keep in mind #2. Age eligibility rules apply
Division 1 players can only permit to other Division 1 leagues unless registered on a team in that league, and not within. (Then general permit rules apply - #3 above where you can only go up.)
You cannot permit within unless special circumstances apply.
Special circumstances may apply; age eligibility, bottom divisions permit rule, single divisions etc.
Please review the below hierarchy.
YOU CANNOT PERMIT WITHIN YOUR OWN DIVISION as it states above - unless it is a special circumstance.
As stated in the legend below:
The green arrows indicate to and from Boarded to Turf to Coed. NOT WITHIN.
The black arrow indicates permitting up within your own league. (Leagues are: Boarded, Turf, Coed, Coed Masters, Masters, Legends, Legends Coed.)
The white arrows indicates special circumstances where you are a bottom division and can permit down/within.
The grey box indicates a special circumstance where you can permit across and down to other leagues because you are the bottom/sole division.