08:15 PM
RnR Drillers
Rivercity Stars
08:30 PM
MyKey Drifters
08:45 PM
VendAsta Dodgers
Viking Masters
09:00 PM
Whisky Jacks Mens Turf
09:15 PM
Exegol United
Millwall FC
09:30 PM
Donald Ducks
Midfield Crisis
09:45 PM
08:15 PM
Whitecaps FC
Evolution FC
08:30 PM
Thicc and Quick FC
Ronin FC
08:30 PM
Olimpia FC
White Claws FC
09:00 PM
09:15 PM
Eclipse O50
09:15 PM
Cumberland FC
Proper Gander FC
09:30 PM
Pitchrippers Legends
MG Dodgers50+
09:30 PM
Whiskey Jacks Legends
09:30 PM
Rivercity Stars
Barnstone FU
10:00 PM
Drillers Legends
Still Chaos LB
10:15 PM
Brothers FC
09:00 PM
Simba Khukuri FC
Galaxy TFC
10:00 PM
Ubuntu Fc

January Chills Tournament Rules


"FIFA Laws of the Game", "SAS Rules and Regulations", “SAS Discipline Policy” and “SAS Turf Tournament Rules and Regulations” shall govern the competition.

1.      FORMAT

1.             All games will be 2 x 25 minutes halves played on a quarter field turf pitch.

2.             Round Robin games can end in a tie. In games where a winner is needed, if there is a tie, a shootout will decide the winner as per FIFA Laws of the Game.

a.       Semi Finals and Finals - If the game is tied after regulation time, shots will be taken from the penalty spot as per FIFA Laws of the Game.

3.             Point system for Round Robin statistics will be as follows:

a.       3 points for a win, 1 point for a tie, 0 points for a loss, 1 extra point for a clean sheet (zero goals against in a game).

4.             All Games will be at the Saskatoon Sports Centre located at 150 Nelson Road.



1.           Game Sheets

a.       Only players who already appear on the preprinted game sheets are eligible to play. You may not write in new names. Only jersey numbers may be manually added or edited.

b.      The winning team is responsible for bringing the game sheet back to tournament headquarters.

2.           If the field is available and it is within five minutes of your game’s scheduled start time and there is no referee present, please notify tournament headquarters so that a replacement referee can be found.

3.           Results and schedules will be posted on the bulletin board near tournament headquarters. Scores and schedules will also be available for viewing online @

4.           Tournament Headquarters will be in the boardroom, on the second level, near the lounge.

5.           Any players who need to pay their $45 registration fee can do so at Tournament Headquarters but must bring $45 cash only. Any players who are not currently registered with Saskatoon Adult Soccer or their local soccer organization, must pay this fee before they are eligible to play in the tournament. Teams who play with unregistered players will have their game(s) overturned, may be removed from the tournament, and may face additional penalties.



If two or three teams are tied in the standings, the following rules, in the following order, shall be used to determine the final standings:

1.           Previous Head-to-Head Match Results: The team with the most points (3 for a win, 1 for a tie) in the matches between the tied teams shall be awarded the higher position.

2.           Goal Difference (Max of 5+ goal difference from each game played)

3.           Most Goals Scored Overall

4.           Team with Least Games Lost

5.           Team with Least Red Cards

6.           Team with Least Yellow Cards

7.           Coin Toss



1.           Men’s/ Women’s games will be played with 6 players per team on the field. This is 5 outfield players and 1 keeper.

2.           Coed games will be played with 7 players per team on the field. This is 6 outfield players 3 males and 3 females and 1 keeper. The maximum and minimum for male and female players rules from the boarded game will apply.

3.           The minimum number of players to start a match is 4 for all leagues except Coed is 5.

4.          Substitutions are unlimited, and on the fly. All substitutions MUST take place at HALF.

5.          The player going on the field must be at half and may not enter the field of play until the player they are replacing has fully crossed the touch line (at half) at centre field. Failure to follow proper substitution rules will result in a yellow card.

6.          Unless otherwise stated, players do not need to proceed to the box and yellow and red card penalties are not time served. The outdoor card rules will be in effect for the tournament.

7.          Yellow card accumulation - The number of cautions required to trigger a suspension due to yellow card accumulation will be 2 for the tournament. Upon accumulating 2 yellow cards, a player will be suspended for their next match. After serving an accumulation suspension, that player will be suspended 1 game for every yellow card received thereafter. (See Discipline below for more information).

a.       Two yellow cards received in the same match resulting in a red card are not counted towards the accumulation total.

8.          RED CARDS - any player receiving a red card MUST report to tournament headquarters within one hour of the match in which the red card was received ending. ALL players receiving a red card MUST sit a minimum of one game. (See Discipline below for more information).



1.          Players suspended for Violent Conduct in an SAS tournament will be ineligible to participate in the following years’ SAS tournaments from which they received the suspension. Examples:

a.       Violent Conduct in JFK 2024, they miss Chills 2025 and JFK 2025.

b.      Violent Conduct in Chills 2024, they miss JFK 2024, and Chills 2025. 

2.          Players suspended for Serious Foul Play and/or Foul & Abusive Language in an SAS tournament will be reviewed by a discipline committee and may be ineligible to participate in the following year’s SAS tournament from which they received the suspension. Examples: 

a.       Serious Foul Play / Foul & Abusive Language in JFK 2024, they miss JFK 2025. 

b.      Serious Foul Play / Foul & Abusive Language in Chills 2024, they miss Chills 2025.


3.          Players receiving a third yellow card in a singular tournament (regardless of the number of teams that participate) will be ineligible to participate in the following year’s SAS tournament from which they received the 3 yellow cards. Examples: 

a.       Three Yellows in JFK 2024, they miss JFK 2025. 

b.      Three Yellows in Chills 2024, they miss Chills 2025.



These regulations below are in compliance with FIFA, CSA, and SSA.

1.          Teams must wear matching uniforms of the same color (with the exception of the goalkeeper)  with a number on the back (alternate jerseys are not expected to be numbered, but it is recommended).

2.          Note: Referees are empowered to abandon a game if teams fail to comply with uniform regulations.

3.          The home team must change shirts if both teams are wearing the same colors (goalkeepers will be required to have an alternate jersey in the case of color conflict). Home team is the first team listed on the game sheet. Failure to have alternate jerseys as the home team, could result in financial penalty.

4.          Shin guards are MANDATORY! The referee will not allow you to participate without your shin guards. Shin guards must be completely covered by your socks.

5.          Sleeveless uniforms are NOT allowed.


7.     GAME BALL

1.          All games played on the Turf Fields will use an outdoor FIFA regulated size 5 ball.



1.          There will be no offsides.



As per FIFA Regulations:

1.          Corner kicks: are to be taken from the corner spot. The opposing players must remain at least 3 yards away from the ball until it is played. The kicker may not touch the ball again until it has touched another player. If he/she does, a free kick is awarded against them.

2.          Free Kicks: players must remain 3 yards away from all free kicks until ball is played.

3.          Throw Ins: A goal cannot be scored directly from a throw-in. The throw-in is to be taken from the point where the ball left the playing surface. When the ball goes out of bounds on the side of the field the result will be throw-in for the opposition at the point where the ball exited play.



1.          There will be slide tackling permitted in Men’s, Women’s, Masters, and Legends Turf games.

2.          There will be NO slide tackling permitted in Coed games.



For each game, there are responsibilities to ensure the Chills runs smooth. The home team is responsible for ensuring the following gets done.


1.          Pick up the game sheet from tournament headquarters.

2.          Provide the referee with game ball(s).

3.          Make sure to have two sets of jerseys in case there is a colour conflict with the visiting team.



1.          CASTS - If a player is wearing a cast, he/she must have a soft material covering the cast. It is at the referee’s discretion to deem the cast safe upon inspection of the covering.

2.          KNEE BRACES - If a player is wearing a knee brace, he/she must have a soft material covering the knee brace. It is at the referee’s discretion to deem the knee brace safe upon inspection of the covering. (All hard/sharp edges must be covered to avoid any other players’ possible injury.)

3.          JEWELLERY - Any player wearing jewellery will not be permitted to play until it is fully removed. This is a per FIFA Laws of the Game Law 4.

4.          If a player participates in a game wearing any jewellery, neither the referee nor the SAS League will be held responsible.

5.          All footwear must be clean and of the following options:

a.       must be soccer cleats

b.      molded studs

c.       blades

d.      turf trainers

e.       indoor shoes

6.          Saskatoon Adult Soccer in conjunction with Saskatoon Youth Soccer and the Saskatoon Soccer Centre inc. will be enforcing their No Spitting Policy at both the Saskatoon Sports Centre and the Saskatoon Kinsmen / Henk Ruys Soccer Centre. Anyone seen spitting on the indoor fields or bench areas (unless in a garbage can) will be told to leave the playing area immediately. A Red Card will be issued for this, but the team will not be punished by having to play shorthanded. (They will be allowed to replace the player on the field). Anyone ejected for spitting will receive the following:

a.       1st Offence: Ejection from the game without further suspension

b.      2nd Offence: 2 game suspension

c.       3rd Offence:  At the discretion of the Discipline Administrator

The reason for the implementation of this rule is for the health and safety of everyone using the facilities.

For information regarding the penalties for “Spitting at Another Player/Official” see Schedule A of the Discipline Policy.

7.          Removal of players for intoxication will be at the discretion of the referee. The organizing committee will stand behind referees on this issue. Suspensions as a result of intoxication could be more significant.



1.          Players under 18 cannot participate unless they are already registered on a Saskatoon Adult Soccer league team before the January Chills roster deadline.

2.          Age eligibility requirements apply to Masters Men (35+), Masters Women (30+), Legends Men (50+) and Legends Women (45+).

3.          All players must be registered with their respective Provincial Association. If you are registered in the current league, then you are registered. If a player is not registered with a Provincial Association, please contact the SAS Office for more information.

a.       Players from out of town must play in the same or equal division that they currently compete in, in their hometown.

b.      Example: If you are currently playing on a Men’s Div 1 team and are on a Recreational Roster for the Tournament you will not be allowed to play there in the tournament. You must play in the Rec A Division of the Tournament.

4.          All Players must be registered in the respective divisions in the SAS League. Teams or players may move up divisions, but not down.

a.             Example: A player playing in Men’s Division 1 during league play may play in the Men’s Rec A Division (Boarded M1, Turf Div 1) but not in Rec B.

5.          Players are restricted to the HIGHEST DIVISION IN WHICH THEY ARE CURRENTLY REGISTERED.

a.       Example 1: A player playing in Boarded Men's Division 1 and Turf Men's Div 1 is restricted to playing in the Men's Rec A event of this tournament.

b.      Example 2: A player registered in Boarded Men's Division 3 and Turf Men's Div 1 is restricted to the Men's Rec A event of this tournament.

6.          Permitting is not allowed.

7.          Players are only allowed to play for one men’s or women’s team and one co-ed team in the Tournament. We cannot guarantee that games will not overlap.




1.         Players must have a valid Canadian Photo ID or Saskatoon Soccer Player ID Card.

2.         Photo identification (ID) is required by all participants and will be checked by the official prior to every game. Players and Team Personnel must therefore possess a valid form of Canadian issued photo identification. SAS Player ID Cards are permitted. A Canadian issued Driver’s Licence that has been hole punched due to having expired is also permitted. A picture of a Photo ID is not acceptable.

3.         Any team has the right to challenge the identity of a player. If you have a challenge or concern, please see an SAS Representative at Tournament Headquarters PRIOR to the start of the game.

4.         Players found not to be on the team roster/game sheet will be deemed ineligible and will result in the game being overturned as well as suspension for the player and/or team contact responsible (Discipline for violations occurring during the tournament can be carried over into the regular season).



1.          Team Admittance into the tournament is on a first-come, first-serve basis per division. We will not host divisions with less than 4 teams nor divisions with 5, 6 or 7 teams. Only 4 and 8.

2.          Rosters will be checked to ensure players do not play outside of their eligible divisions.

3.          Teams are allowed to have a maximum of 25 players on their roster, but tournament prizes will be capped at a maximum of 20 items per team.

4.          Teams may dress a maximum number of 25 players.

5.          SAS reserves the right to move teams into categories as it sees fit. Team contacts will be contacted should SAS require movement in any category. This will allow the SAS to offer the best tournament possible for all teams.


1.         If a team defaults any games in a tournament, all their games will be removed from the tournament standings. Note: any suspensions during the defaulted games will still apply.

2.         If a team defaults a game during a tournament, they will be fined $200 per game. Their opponent will receive the full $200 as compensation for not playing that game. The penalty must be paid within five (5) business days of the game date, or the players on the roster will be blacklisted.



1.           All teams are guaranteed a minimum of three games. The actual format will depend on the number of entries.

2.         The tournament schedule will be available on the SAS website a minimum of 1 week prior to the tournament.



1.           Players must add themselves to the team roster on the SAS website by the roster deadline.

2.           The Team Code will be given to the players by the team contact.

3.           Steps to register:


1.              Teams should verify by signing their game sheets after each game once the official has input the game’s information. However, on occasion, if a team’s opinion defers from the other team or the official, they may submit a Clerical Protest.

Clerical Protests may be reviewed if Livebarn is available. I.e.: A goal was awarded but assigned to wrong team or not included in final count. If Livebarn is not available, a clerical protest cannot be submitted.

Decisions made by an official will not be reviewed or overturned. I.e.: if a ball fully crossed the goal line.

Clerical Protests must meet each of the following requirements:

i.      Submitted in writing within two (2) hours of the game completion

ii.      Team Names

iii.      Date and Time of Game

iv.      Field

v.      Time of Occurrence(s)

vi.      Fee of $35.00 sent to with the password as soccer.

Note: If found in favor, the protest fee will be returned. If found against, the protest fee will be kept.



PLEASE INFORM US IMMEDIATELY BY CALLING 1-306-975-3427 and also in writing by e-mail to if, for any reason, your team cannot attend the SAS January Chills Turf Tournament.

Please let us know even if your participation is questionable or if you are even considering canceling.

It is very important that you inform us immediately of your cancellation for the following reasons:

a.              Limited spaces

b.               Wait lists

c.                Changes to game schedules

Remember that you must cancel your own hotel reservations if from out of town.
If you do not inform us of your cancellation, we will expect your team at your first and subsequent scheduled matches.

Failure to notify of your team's cancellation will result in your Provincial Association being notified of your action. Teams from the SAS could also face fines and further discipline.

Cancellation Deadline for all teams entering the tournament is Wednesday, January 10, 2024 @ 4pm.


After 4:00pm on Wednesday, January 10, 2024, teams that remove themselves from the Tournament will forfeit the Entire Fee of the tournament as well as having their Provincial Association notified of the infraction.


Roster Deadline for all teams entering the Tournament is 4:00pm on Monday, January 22.


If you are adding different players to your Roster for the Tournament and need clarification of whether that is allowed, please HAND IN YOUR ROSTERS EARLY so that the office can confirm who is eligible and who is not eligible to participate.

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