Team Registration Opens | Wednesday, February 19 |
Team Registration Deadline - REGISTRATION AND 1st INSTALMENT ARE DUEEFTs for TEAM fees MUST be sent to entries are not accepted. Registrations must have all the required forms filled out, include full payment or the initial instalment, and be submitted before the registration deadline to avoid late registration penalties.When paying with a credit card, RAMP will give you the option to pay full fees right away or pay by instalment. If you choose to pay by instalments, it will automatically apply this payment style for your 2nd instalment.Do not make a separate payment.Verify your registration! | Wednesday, April 2 |
Initial Divisional Alignment Released | Friday, April 4 |
Divisional Alignment Appeals Deadline | Monday, April 7 |
Final Divisional Alignment Released | Friday, April 11 |
Scheduling consideration deadline | Monday, April 14 |
Individual Player/Staff Registration Opens& Equipment Box Key Pick Up (Full field teams only) | Wednesday, April 23 |
Coed Schedule ReleaseMen's/Women's/Masters/Legends Schedule ReleaseNot necessarily all schedules will be released this date. Schedules will be released one week prior to the given league's start date. | Friday, April 26Monday, April 28
Coed League Games StartsMen's/Women's/Masters/Legends Games StartsNot all teams will start this day. | Friday, May 2Monday, May 5
Opening Week Extended Hours | TBD |
2ND Instalment for Team FeesIf you save your credit card information in your profile, the 2nd payment will be charged automatically. E-transfers need to be received by the deadline and must be send to | Wednesday, May 28 |
Equipment Box Key Pick Up deadline | Thursday, May 29 |
Transfer DOWN deadline | Friday, June 27 |
Transfer UP/ACROSS deadline | Thursday, July 31 |
Playoff Roster Eligibility Deadline | Thursday, July 31 |
Outdoor Playoff Semi Finals - Men's/Women's/Masters(No playoffs for Coed or Legends) | Monday, August 11 -Thursday, August 14 |
Outdoor Playoff Finals - Men’s/Women’s/Masters(No playoffs for Coed or Legends) | Monday, August 18 -Thursday, August 21 |
Equipment Box Key Return Deadline | Thursday, September 25 |
Equipment Box Key Deposit | Friday, September 26 |